Impactful Policy Career Profiles
Not all careers in policy are created equal
Certainly, some are vastly more impactful than others. Moreover, there is a surprising range of available opportunities. Below, we've outlined some broad policy career paths in the European space.
Employee of an international organisation - work for the UN, World Bank, IMF or another influential international organisations (Google Doc alternative)
Public sector consultant - work for a for profit organisation that advises government (Google Doc alternative)
Lobbyist / campaigner - work from a position outside of government to make legislation more EA-aligned (Google Doc alternative)
Assistant in party politics - work for an elected official or government leader (e.g. a Minister or an European Commissioner) (Google Doc alternative)
Researcher in a think tank or research centre - conduct research and write reports that influence and direct the policy-making process (Google Doc alternative)
Elected official - work as an elected official on the national or EU level (Google Doc alternative)
Policy-oriented roles in the civil service - work as a civil servant for your national government or for the European Union (Google Doc alternative)
Policy entrepreneurship - found a nonprofit that’s focused on influencing policy​​ (Google Doc alternative)